La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute - Philippe Bernold

Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing / Book with Audio online


Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online) Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online)
Bernold La Prononciation - Pronunciation Flute (Exercises for mastering the art of Articulation for Eloquent and Expressive Flute Playing) (Book with Audio online)





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  • L’articulation – la prononciation – est un élément fondamental dans le jeu de la flûte.

    Sa maîtrise nous permet d’avoir un discours clair, varié, coloré et donc vivant. L’articulation à la flûte traversière se fait en coupant le son avec la langue, comme un chanteur coupe une ligne mélodique avec des mots. Ce cahier a pour vocation d’approfondir ces nombreuses possibilités d’expression en s’appuyant sur deux séries de gammes majeures et mineures, mais également en abordant de nombreux exercices et traits d’orchestre.

    L’ouvrage est divisé en six chapitres :
    - Le premier chapitre traite de la connexion entre le souffle, la langue et les doigts sur des gammes binaires majeures et mineures et sur des gammes ternaires majeures à l’ambitus réduit (gammes
    niveau 1) ;
    - Le deuxième chapitre est centré sur la place de la langue. Au travers d’exercices souvent tirés du répertoire, c’est l’étude du détaché « français » qui est abordé ici ;
    - Le troisième chapitre explore l’ensemble des articulations sur une nouvelle série de gammes binaires majeures et mineures (niveau 2) à l’ambitus plus grand ;
    - Le quatrième chapitre est destiné à améliorer la vitesse du double et triple coup de langue
    - Le cinquième chapitre traite des différents modes d’attaque des sons ;
    - Le sixième chapitre présente les principaux traits d’orchestre, ainsi qu’une étude complémentaire où l’articulation est la difficulté principale.

    On trouvera à la fin du volume un chapitre intitulé « Notes pour les curieux ! » constitué d’articles d’approfondissement ainsi qu’un paragraphe sur l’articulation au travers des méthodes d’enseignement du XVIIe au XXe siècles.

    Articulation - pronunciation - is a fundamental part of playing the flute.

    Its mastery allows us to have a clear, varied, colorful and therefore lively speech. The transverse flute articulation is done by cutting the sound with the tongue, as a singer cuts a melodic line with words. The purpose of this notebook is to deepen these many possibilities of expression by drawing on two series of major and minor scales, but also by addressing many exercises and orchestral traits.

    The book is divided into six chapters:

    - The first chapter deals with the connection between the breath, the tongue and the fingers on major and minor binary scales and on major ternary scales at reduced ambitus (scales

    level 1) ;

    - The second chapter focuses on the place of language. Through exercises often taken from the repertoire, it is the study of the "French" detachment that is discussed here;

    - The third chapter explores all the articulations on a new series of major and minor binary scales (level 2) with a larger ambitus;

    - The fourth chapter is intended to improve the speed of double and triple licks

    - The fifth chapter deals with the different attack modes of sounds;

    - The sixth chapter presents the main orchestral traits, as well as a complementary study where articulation is the main difficulty.

    There is a chapter at the end of the volume entitled "Notes for the curious!" "Consisting of in-depth articles as well as a paragraph on articulation through teaching methods from the 17th to the 20th centuries.












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