Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano - Richard Strauss

Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit / Henle-Urtext

Sheet music

Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext) Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext)
Strauss Concerto D-major (1945) AV 144 Oboe and Small Orchestra Edition for Oboe and Piano (Edited by Hansjörg Schellenberger and Piano Reduction by Johannes Umbreit) (Henle-Urtext)





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“Oboe Concerto 1945, inspired by an American soldier, (oboist from Chicago)” – was what Richard Strauss noted down. And the oboist and soldier with the American occupation John de Lancie had indeed asked Richard Strauss in May 1945 whether he had ever thought of writing an oboe concerto. Strauss answered in the negative, but soon got to work anyway. In October 1945, he had completed the score in Swiss exile; the premiere took place in Zurich in 1946. Not until 1948 did the first edition appear in London, presumably for the most part without the composer’s involvement, for both the printed score and the orchestral parts exhibit numerous errors. Some of these have been known for a while, though others have only now been discovered by Hansjörg Schellenberger through his exact reconciliation of the autograph full score with the autograph particella. The world-class oboist thus presents this concerto for the first time in a Henle Urtext edition in both full score and piano reduction!

„Oboenconzert 1945, angeregt durch einen amerikanischen Soldaten, (Oboer aus Chicago)“ – so notiert Richard Strauss. Und tatsächlich hatte der „Oboer“ und Besatzungssoldat John de Lancie den Komponisten im Mai 1945 gefragt, ob er denn nie daran gedacht habe, ein Oboenkonzert zu schreiben. Strauss reagierte ablehnend, machte sich aber dennoch bald an die Arbeit. Schon im Oktober 1945 hatte er die Partitur im Schweizer Exil fertiggestellt, 1946 fand in Zürich die Uraufführung statt. Die Erstausgabe erschien erst 1948 in London, vermutlich weitgehend ohne Beteiligung des Komponisten. Denn sowohl gedruckte Partitur als auch Orchesterstimmen weisen zahlreiche Fehler auf. Einige davon sind lange bekannt, andere wurden erst jetzt von Hansjörg Schellenberger durch den genauen Abgleich mit Partiturautograph und Particell aufgedeckt. Der Oboist von Weltruf legt das Konzert damit in Partitur und Klavierauszug erstmals als Henle-Urtextausgabe vor!

Zie ook de Study Score van Concerto D-major Oboe and Orchestra











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