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Sonaten BWV 1034 - 1035 - 1030 - 1032 (Authentische) Flöte und Bc
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3 Sonaten (Es-dur BWV 1031 , C-dur BWV 1033 und g-moll BWV 1020) (attrib. to Bach) Flute and Bc
Partita a-moll BWV 1013 Flöte solo
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Flötensonaten Vol. 1 Flöte und Bc
Partita a-minor BWV 1013 Flute solo
Sonaten Vol.2 No.4 - 6 BWV 1033-1034-1035 fur Flöte und Bc
Floten-Sonaten Vol.2 (Drei Bach zugeschriebene Sonaten)
Air for Flute and Piano
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Aus Liebe will meine Heiland Sterben from St. Matthew’s Passion, BWV 244 for Flute and Piano
Bach for Unaccompanied Flute 17 Movements
Triosonate G-dur BWV 1039 2 Flöten-Bc
Partita a-moll BWV 1013 for Flute Solo
Floten-Repertoire Kantaten-Oratorien Vol.1 Flote Solo
The Very Best of Bach Instrumental Play-Along Flute Book with Audio online)
Sonaten Vol.1 No.1 - 3 BWV 1031-1031-1032 fur Flöte und Bc
Triosonaten Vol.2 (BWV 1038 - 1079) Flöte-Violine [2 Violinen] und Bc